Robot assembly - With S7-1512 controller and Mitsubishi RV4FL
  • AttributeValue
    Electrical connectionCEE (16 A) for connecting to room infrastructure
    Preconfigured modular plug for connecting to another CP Factory station
    Pneumatic connectionHose coupling for connecting to room infrastructure
    Preconfigured modular plug for connecting to another CP Factory station
    Operating voltage230 / 400 VAC
    Operating pressure6 bar
    ControllerSiemens CPU 1512SP
    HMISiemens Simatic TP700 Comfort
    I/O33 DI / 17 DO (PLC)
    15 DI / 5 DO (Robot controller)
    Box transport beltPneumatic indexer for box
    2x Light barrier for box detection
    RFID read-write-head
    Box orientation check with inductive sensor
    3x Belt drive24 VDC motor
    Bi-directional controller with slow and high speed
    Robot armMitsubishi RV-4FL
    6 axis
    Maximum payload: 4 kg
    Maximum range: 649 mm
    Repetition accuracy: +/- 0,02 mm
    Robot controllerMitsubishi CR750-D
    Programming language: MELFA-BASIC V
    Program memory: 512 programs
    Position memory: 3,900 positions per program
    Gripper changer flangePneumatic gripper coupling
    Fixed part: Zimmer-Group WWR40F-B
    Loose part: Zimmer-Group WWR40L-B
    Electrical signal transmission through WER02FF04 resp. WER02LF04
    2x Connector for pressurized air for gripper
    Detection of loose part at fixed part with inductive sensor NJR04-E2SK
    Gripper changer storage3x Gripper storage position with Zimmer-Group ALSR1-40-B
    Gripper detection at storage position with inductive sensors
    Gripper1. For PCBs: Suction gripper with Venturi nozzle Festo VN-05-H-T2-PQ1-VQ1-RO1
    2. For cover parts: Parallel gripper Festo DHPS-16-A
    3. For fuses: Parallel gripper Festo DHPS-10-A
    Vision SystemFesto SBOC-Q-R2C
    Sensor: colour sensor
    Resolution: 752 x 480 pixel
    Interfaces: Ethernet; CANopen
    2 digital inputs / 3 digital outputs
    Integrated controller: CoDeSys; IEC 61131-3
    Frame rate: 150 frames/sec.
    Protection class: IP65
    RFID2x Turk BLCEN-2M12MT-2RFID-A bus node with 3 read-write-heads
    Other sensors3x Light barrier for checking work piece orientation in the assembly bay
    Dimenions (H x W x D)1800 mm x 1200 mm x 1600 mm

  • Integrated PLC
    FALSE = Emergency stop not acknowledged+K1-F2-KF1Bool%I0.0
    TRUE = Safety doors closed+H1-F2-KF2Bool%I0.1
    TRUE = Emergency stop button pushed+S1-F2-FQ1Bool%I0.3
    TRUE = Stopper cylinder (branch) in lower end position+G1-BG20Bool%I1.0
    TRUE = Carrier detected at stopper (branch) / Stopper (branch) carrier ident code bit 0 detected+G1-BG21Bool%I1.1
    TRUE = Stopper (branch) carrier ident code bit 1 detected+G1-BG22Bool%I1.2
    TRUE = Stopper (branch) carrier ident code bit 2 detected+G1-BG23Bool%I1.3
    TRUE = Stopper (branch) carrier ident code bit 3 detected+G1-BG24Bool%I1.4
    TRUE = Carrier detected at conveyor entry (empty belt)+G1-BG26Bool%I1.6
    TRUE = Carrier detected at conveyor exit (empty belt)+G1-BG27Bool%I1.7
    TRUE = Stopper cylinder (work belt) in lower end position+G1-BG30Bool%I2.0
    TRUE = Carrier detected at stopper (work belt) / Stopper (work belt) carrier ident code bit 0 detected+G1-BG31Bool%I2.1
    TRUE = Stopper (work belt) carrier ident code bit 1 detected+G1-BG32Bool%I2.2
    TRUE = Stopper (work belt) carrier ident code bit 2 detected+G1-BG33Bool%I2.3
    TRUE = Stopper (work belt) carrier ident code bit 3 detected+G1-BG34Bool%I2.4
    TRUE = Congestion on work belt detected+G1-BG35Bool%I2.5
    TRUE = Deflector arm closed (carrier continues straight on bypass belt)+G1-BG40Bool%I2.6
    TRUE = Deflector arm opened (carrier gets diverted to work belt) +G1-BG41Bool%I2.7
    TRUE = Stopper cylinder (junction) in lower end position+G1-BG42Bool%I3.0
    TRUE = Carrier detected at stopper (junction)+G1-BG43Bool%I3.1
    TRUE = Congestion on bypass belt detected+G1-BG44Bool%I3.2
    FALSE = Junction occupied by carrier+G1-BG45Bool%I3.3
    FALSE = Pallet present on carrier at work position+G1-BG50Bool%I3.4
    FALSE = Part present on carrier at work position+G1-BG51Bool%I3.5
    TRUE = Carrier detected at conveyor entry (bypass belt)+G1-BG52Bool%I3.6
    TRUE = Carrier detected at conveyor exit (bypass belt)+G1-BG53Bool%I3.7
    FALSE = Transport box present in work position+H1-BG1Bool%I4.0
    FALSE = Transport box present in loading position+H1-BG2Bool%I4.1
    TRUE = Transport box in work position has correct orientation+H1-BG3Bool%I4.2
    TRUE = Indexing bolt 1 extended+H1-BG5Bool%I4.4
    TRUE = Indexing bolt 2 extended+H1-BG6Bool%I4.5
    TRUE = Confirmation button for box exchange pressed+H1-BG7Bool%I4.6
    Only with Robotino Docking-Kit: TRUE = Coupling signal from Robotino received+H1-KG8Bool%I4.7
    TRUE = Drive empty belt in forward direction+K1-QA1:A1Bool%Q0.0
    TRUE = Drive empty belt in reverse direction+K1-QA1:A2Bool%Q0.1
    Select empty belt speed (FALSE = normal, TRUE = slow)+K1-QA1:A3Bool%Q0.2
    TRUE = Drive bypass belt in forward direction+K1-QA2:A1Bool%Q0.3
    TRUE = Drive bypass belt in reverse direction+K1-QA2:A2Bool%Q0.4
    Select bypass belt speed (FALSE = normal, TRUE = slow)+K1-QA2:A3Bool%Q0.5
    TRUE = Drive work belt in forward direction+K1-QA3:A1Bool%Q0.6
    TRUE = Drive work belt in reverse direction+K1-QA3:A2Bool%Q0.7
    TRUE = Move stopper cylinder (branch) down+G1-MB20Bool%Q1.0
    Select work belt speed (FALSE = normal, TRUE = slow)+K1-QA3:A3Bool%Q1.7
    TRUE = Move stopper cylinder (work position) down+G1-MB30Bool%Q2.0
    TRUE = Close deflector arm (let carrier continue straight on bypass belt)+G1-MB40Bool%Q2.6
    TRUE = Open deflector arm (divert carrier to work belt)+G1-MB41Bool%Q2.7
    TRUE = Move stopper cylinder (junction) down+G1-MB42Bool%Q3.0
    TRUE = Drive transport box belt in forward direction+H1-QA4:A1Bool%Q4.0
    TRUE = Drive transport box belt in reverse direction+H1-QA4:A2Bool%Q4.1
    Select transport box belt speed (FALSE = normal, TRUE = slow)+H1-QA4:A3Bool%Q4.2
    Integrated robot controller
    TRUE = Part gripped+H1-BG9BoolIN16
    TRUE = Part present in assembly position+H1-BG10BoolIN17
    FALSE = Part in assembly position is upside down+H1-BG11BoolIN18
    FALSE = Part in assembly position is backwards+H1-BG12BoolIN19
    TRUE = 2 or more fuses available in tube 1+H1-BG14BoolIN21
    TRUE = 2 or more fuses available in tube 2+H1-BG15BoolIN22
    TRUE = 2 or more fuses available in tube 3+H1-BG16BoolIN23
    TRUE = PCB gripper present in gripper storage+H1-BG18BoolIN25
    TRUE = Work piece gripper present in gripper storage+H1-BG19BoolIN26
    TRUE = Fuse gripper present in gripper storage+H1-BG20BoolIN27
    TRUE = Camera ready+H1-BY1:OUT0BoolIN28
    TRUE = Camera inspection passed+H1-BY1:OUT1BoolIN29
    TRUE = Camera inspection failed+H1-BY1:OUT2BoolIN30
    TRUE = Gripper opened (case gripper & fuse gripper)
    TRUE = PCB attached, vacuum created (PCB suction gripper)
    TRUE = Gripper attached to robot+H1-K6-BG6BoolIN902
    TRUE = Fasten vise+H1-MB9BoolOUT16
    TRUE = Trigger camera+H1-BY1:IN0BoolOUT24
    TRUE = Close gripper (case gripper & fuse gripper)
    TRUE = Switch off vacuum (PCB suction gripper)
    TRUE = Open gripper (case gripper & fuse gripper)
    TRUE = Switch on vacuum (PCB suction gripper)
    TRUE = Werkzeugwechsler entriegeln+H1-K6-MB3BoolOUT902

    • System startup
    • System startup
    • QR marker
    • QR marker