
Robotino View is the interactive graphical programming environment for Robotino. With Robotino View, control programs for Robotino can be created and executed.


A selection of the main functions of Robotino View:

  • Sequence programs are displayed as Grafcet
  • Simultaneous control of more than one Robotino
  • Representation of hardware components as function blocks
    motors, I/Os, sensors, camera, odometry, gripper, manipulator, power output, encoder input
  • Function blocks for image processing:
    Line Recognizer, Color Range Search, Marker Recognition
  • Function blocks for navigation:
    Position driver, Path driver, Obstacle avoidance and Factory Integration
  • Function blocks for data exchange:
    UDP, TCP/IP client / server, OPC
  • Download and start RobotinoView programs directly on Robotino
  • Creating and integrating your own function blocks in C ++
  • User interface and user help in German, English, Spanish and French.
The current version of RobotinoView. No longer supported. For versions of Robotino until 2013.