The Curriculum Industry 4.0

A curriculum in general is a qualification plan for the education of people, based on a theory of teaching and learning. In a technical education of people, based on a theory of teaching and learning. In a technical education environment, the aim is to train the necessary technologies and competencies at vocational education schools or higher education institutes to qualify future experts for industrial jobs.

Competencies in Transition

Being aware that technological know-how changes from year to year, young people as well as professionals need to update their skills on a permanent basis. As a globally networked education partner with industrial DNA, we translate current and future competency requirements from industry and educational institutions into competency diagrams that make these changes visible and help educators to identify necessary qualification needs. The competency diagram of a mechatronics technician, for example, indicates that new technologies and soft skills expand ever more in comparison to the traditional mechanical engineering and automation fundamentals. Furthermore, a noticeable shift towards information technology is evident.

Learn more about competency-based qualification in vocational training and higher education on the Festo Didactic YouTube channel.

Learn more about the curriculum Industry 4.0 in our flyer: The Curriculum Industry 4.0 — Learning Paths from Fundamentals to Industry 4.0

The curriculum can be accessed via Festo LX, the digital learning portal for customized learning experiences in technical education. Festo LX is based on multimedia learning nuggets that can easily be adapted and combined to form individual learning paths.

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