Here you find the error codes description of the Festo Didactic AR App.

  • The XML file is corrupted.

    The given line and character number could be a hint where to find the problem. Please check for typing errors, non-closed elements and the like.
    If the problem is right at the beginning it might be the "byte order mark" that is added by some editors like the Windows Notepad. Please save your file in another editor without BOM.
    Also check the configuration of your webserver and try opening the file in a regular browser.

  • Could not connect to server.

    The URL might be correct. Please check your connectivity and the URL.

  • The server provides no scenes.

    The sever is incorrect configured or empty. Check the index.txt file on the server if all desired scenes are included.
    Also check the configuration of your webserver and try opening the file in a regular browser.

  • Could not download scene.

    The scene pointed in the index.txt could not be downloaded. Check if the scene is uploaded correctly and if the spelling is correct.
    Also check the configuration of your webserver and try opening the file in a regular browser.

  • The URL is invalid.

    Check the URL for errors and escape special characters.

  • The model could not be loaded.

    Importing the OBJ file caused an error. Check your OBJ file and if needed reexport it. Please note, that a single model cannot have more than 64.000 polygon vertices.
    Also check the configuration of your webserver and try opening the file in a regular browser.

  • Could not download model file.

    The filename given in the index.xml could not be downloaded. Either your scene is not completely uploaded or the index.xml is corrupted.
    Also check the configuration of your webserver and try opening the file in a regular browser.

  • Could not download texture file.

    The filename given in the index.xml could not be downloaded. Either your scene is not completely uploaded or the index.xml is corrupted.
    Also check the configuration of your webserver and try opening the file in a regular browser.

  • Not enough memory.

    The scene is too large to fit in your devices memory. Reduce the scene or use another device.